
Gerald Flurry’s Donald Trump Prophecy was Right?

How did we go from Gerald Flurry saying a Joe Biden presidency is contrary to Bible prophecy, that Donald Trump would remain in office and be the leader of the land….. To, “Gerald Flurry was right about Donald Trump”…. the accuracy of his prophecy…. and, that Gerald Flurry is vindicated by this twenty-twenty-four election result?

Gerald Flurry was Right?

In this Episode you will hear Gerald flurry say “The question came into my mind; I believe God is telling me this; God says….

But when it does not happen he says “it’s not a prophecy“! yeah, go figure

In this video, you will see that God did the exact opposite of what Gerald Flurry claimed He would do.

The article “Why This Inauguration Day Is Especially Historic”, by Joel Hilliker can be viewed on the



  1. Leisa

    December 20, 2024

    I would like to ask you a question please

  2. Leisa

    December 20, 2024

    I know exactly who you are know I did a little research and found found out that you come out of the Catholic Church

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