How did we go from Gerald Flurry saying a Joe Biden presidency is contrary to Bible prophecy, that Donald Trump would remain in office and be the leader of the land….. To, “Gerald Flurry was right about Donald Trump”.... the accuracy of his prophecy.... and, that Gerald Flurry is vindicated by this twenty-twenty-four election result?
Who does he think he is?
Gerald Flurry has outdone himself, he now has a message for Jesus Christ!
Gerald Flurry is going to be King of Kings.
Gerald Flurry wants to be King of kings. He believes that he sits on the throne of Christ and that there is no salvation except through him. 😱 Power has gone to his head. Does this sound like someone humble and contrite in spirit?
Donald Trump winning the 2024 election fulfills Gerald Flurry’s prophecy?
Along with the majority of Americans, Gerald Flurry believes Donald Trump will win the 2024 election, but with a difference.